PLS 3rd Learning - Professional Development Selected Portfolio Examples

Courses and PD Modules

For a complete listing and descriptions of online and onsite courses offered for College/University credit, click here.

For a complete listing of online PD modules based on Charlotte Danielson’s Framework for Teaching, click here.

To Access the Sample PD Modules Created For the Pennsylvania Department of Education:

Click on the links below to view sample courses aligned to Charlotte Danielson’s Framework for Teaching. When prompted to enter a username and password, enter this login information:

Username: trainer2
Password: standards

Sample One
Sample Two
Sample Three

Example of Working With an International Partner

The AAIE Institute for International School Leadership is a two-year online program comprised of eight components. Each component is seven weeks in duration, and graduate credit is available. Upon successful completion of all eight components, participants will receive a certificate of completion.

"The goal of the Institute is to advance the preparation and continuing professional development of leaders in international schools. Specifically, this initiative is designed to deliver critically important knowledge from experienced international school leaders to assist in the development and growth of currently-serving as well as aspiring school leaders."

– Elsa Lamb, AAIE Executive Director

To review the AAIE Institute for International School Leadership Courses, click here.

Sample PD Support Materials

Sample of Course Syllabi
Sample of Materials Used by Instructors
Sample of Materials Used by Students
Example of a Professional Development Support Manual for an Online, Web-based System
Example of Professional Development Support Videos for an Online, Web-based System